Wednesday, December 7, 2011


When:  One evening
Location: At Home

Doggy Thoughts:  I'm going in for a slobbery one

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


What started as this clear un-equality and lasted for a good 10 minutes... turned into this

When: While 1 set of parents were away....
Location:  The FORBIDDEN couch

Doggy Thoughts:  Does everyone have memories of visiting a friends house and being able to do something that was totally not allowed at your house??????  Well now Pepper (Doggy Girlfriend) does too.  Shucks my parents are feeling a wee bit guilty after the fact but it was fun to the break the rules once.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Catching the last of Summer Sun's Rays

When: Late in August
 Location: Paradise aka the back yard

Doggy Thoughts:  What is that in the distance you ask?   Well it's ME on a doggie lounger of course!  Enjoying that warmth of the sun one morning.  The doggie cot can be found here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

1st day of Agility

When:  Thursday for the next 6 weeks
Location:  AZ Dog Sports Gym

Doggy Thoughts:  I started an agility class, you can see I was incredibly excited to go, but man I slept the whole car ride home and was so tired the rest of the day.  Being an awesome dog is some serious work.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Doggy Pop

When:  A too DANG HOT Saturday
Location: Roadrunner Park Farmer's Market

Doggy Thoughts:  Look what mom got me for me at the Farmer's Market today - a popsicle made of chicken broth and a rawhide stick.   Too Cool, literally.

Monday, September 12, 2011


When: This weekend, when the parents were away
Location:  The Girlfriend's House

Doggy Thoughts:  It is too cute when Pepper and I nap on the same bed,  like the true gentleman that I am, let her have way more then her share of our cushy spot.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Doggy Loophole? You Decide

When: This Morning
Location:  The Master Bedroom

Doggy Thoughts:  I say it's not cheating because the sheets aren't on the bed, a doggy loophole to the whole "not allowed on the bed" dictate.   Better to be caught here, aposed to here which was so clearly a violation of the rules.

Friday, August 19, 2011


When: I am bored
Location: My play pen aka the living room

Doggy Thoughts:  This treat dispenser gets me every time!  I have not managed to figure out how to get the treats out of it after I pulled the rope for the 1st time.  Doggy Eisenstein they don't call me. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Beam me up Scotty

When:  Right before I got beamed up to the mother-ship
Location:  My earthly home

Doggy Thoughts:  My blue eyes totally give off my true alien self,  gosh darn cameras.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Couch Potato

When:  Summer Time
Location: The Couch, why of course

Doggy Thoughts:  Man when the mercury gets so high, all I can muster is the energy to lay here and accompany my humans watching some TV

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Road Tripping it

When: Last Week
Location: Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, back through Idaho, Utah, Arizona

Doggy Thoughts: So I have been away for while, road tripping it!  Doggy dad and I hit the road and took a massive trip, 7 states and 1700 miles, to go camping with the Redmond grand-dog-parents.  For the majority of the 6 days we were driving, this is what I was doing in the back seat.  Ahhh- Relaxation......

Friday, June 24, 2011

Pillows? Who needs those

When: One evening
Location: The usual

Doggy Thoughts:  Lest you be concerned I am not perfecting my craft, I provide this picture as proof positive I am hard at work.  I have even managed to get comfy on top of my human care takers.  Well that is for as long as they find it cute, after which they are sure to push me to the side. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

R.I.P. Lucy Lobster

Tragically since she is now gone, I have no picture my favorite lobster, she can however be seen in the background here

When:  Not to long ago
Location: Wherever plushies go when they have out lived their usefulness

Doggy Thoughts:  Sometime my enthusiasm knows no bounds and I simply "love a toy to death" so too that was Miss Lucy's fate.  As of the last sighting Lucy's right claw was so loved it was tearing away from her body.  She wasn't my first love-to-shreds toy, but it was still a sad day.

Friday, June 3, 2011

'o so much fun

When:  When I had started to have a certain aroma
Location: The doggy grandparent big a$$ shower

Doggy Thoughts:  No rubber ducky for me, it is all business when I have bath time. Am I the only one who hates being wet? 

PS.  Doggy parents I work hard to perfect my smell and when you bathe me, I have to start rolling in all sorts of good smelling grass all over again.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Slumber Party

When: Last Week
Location: The Villa, aka Doggy Daycare

Doggy Thoughts: When it gets hot outside what is a dog to do, but take a nap when they come back inside.  At doggy daycare last week so many of my peeps we resting, you could call it a slumber party.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Please let me stay

When: There was a big give away box....
Location:  in the office

 Doggy Thoughts:  So I may (or may not) have jumped up on Doggy Mamma,  she may (or may not) have said, "Dog,  I'll send you back to the Human Society"  Then she may have even gone as far as to put me a shipping box and showed Doggy dad.  Alas it was all in jest 'cause that lady really does love me

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A pair of balls

When:  Long after the real one's were gone
 Location:   A place where only the humans gets the jokes

 Doggy Thoughts:  Moment of honesty,  I am neutered!  It is how the rents and I do our part to stop dog over populations.   At least I know I won't have any young pups.  Since, I gave up the real deal, they got me this tug toy.  Awwh you can imagine the jokes coming my way now...real freaking funny!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How many licks does it take to get to the PB center of a Kong?

When:  Recently
Location:  The house

Doggy Thoughts:  hmmmmm, deliciousness , doesn't get much better then this.  If your wondering it takes many, many licks to eat all the delicious peanut butter stuffed in my favorite Kong.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


When: Yesterday
Location: The house

Doggy Thoughts:  I know it is less then polite to stick one's tongue out, but I just needed to show you this side of me too.  This is the my most serious throw the toy so we can play fetch face.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Doing the Dishes

When: A while back
Location:  The Girlfriend's House

Doggy Thoughts:  Now, I am all for equal division of labor among different species, I mean you know how the rents make me help with the laundry.  I am saving up for a good post about that.  In the meantime, here is Pepper pulling her share over at their house, by helping with the dishes.  Every member of the house has to contribute right?  I have heard a rumor that someone might try attaching a duster to my tail, HA!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Been Away....

When:  On Vacation.... well the rents left town I got shipped to,
Location: The Grandparents house, which is basically like going to a hotel.

Doggy Thoughts:  So the doggy parents checked off another milestone in life, by vacationing in San Diego.  So instead of hauling me with I got to spend so time with 2 more people who love me dearly, the doggy Grandparents.  Hence the break in my blogs, please accept my apologies dear readers.  While hanging out at their house you were likely to find me relaxing in any number of places, including this one, under a blanket with every thing but my nose covered up. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Because it's weird

When: Recently
Location: Come on! Admit it! That was the best nap you ever had!

Doggy Thoughts:  This picture reminds me of the Friends episode, where Joey and Ross end up napping on each other.  Needless to say, I thought it was comfortable and perfectly acceptable.  My human did not so much agree.  So unless I can get her to accept my offers of warm milk and Excedrin P.M. this is never going to happen again. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Frisbee Fly Boy

When:  This Afternoon
Location: The Front Yard

 Doggy Thoughts:  They don't call me flash for nothing.  Watch my mad skills, okay I only caught it once, but I am still practicing.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Splish Splash

When: At the end of last summer
Location:  the much talked about "Baja Step" part of the Grand-doggy-parents pool

Doggy Thoughts:   In persuit of the ball, I will go anywhere!  Including the pool, swimming is not high on my list of enjoyable things, what did you think I was a Labrador? 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Round Round, I get around

When:  The road calls....
Location:  Cruzin' Around P-Town

Doggy Thoughts:   Now that I have that Beach Boys song stuck in your head.  Check out my ride!  Don't I look like a season car rider.  I like having the backseat all to myself, unless the girlfriend is with me

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Book Worm

When:  A week night
Location:  Half Price Books

Doggy Thoughts:   I am so well behaved some days the rents even take me on their shopping trips.  Yeah for more dog friendly business like the Half Priced Books on Camelback.   I am quite the book worm myself, see how serious in thought I am at the checkout counter,  don't know which to read first the Tolstoy or F. Scott Fitzgerald,  ah heck pass me the people magazine.  

Friday, March 25, 2011

What Ya Cookin Good Lookin ?

When: Eatin' Time
Location:  Doggy Grandparents House

Doggy Thoughts:   When things smell this good, I have to be right in the middle of the action, even if it means paws on top of shoes.  Whatever is being sauteed up there is my kind of food.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Trouble Sleeping

When: Middle of the day
Location:  Somewhere that I am definitely not allowed to be

Doggy Thoughts:  You know the phrase "you want what you can't have" that's me and the back of the couch ( or the bed ).  Before my adoption, doggy mama said "no dogs on the couch", it took a record 24 milliseconds before she changed her mind.  But for reasons that allude me both doggy parents REALLY don't like it when I get up on the back of the couch.  This is sure to get me into deep trouble.   

Friday, March 18, 2011


When: June 1, 2010
Location: Southeast Volusia Humane Society in Florida 

Doggy Thoughts:  Meet LUCY, another adoptee roughly the same age as I am
. (Her adoption page)  I know, I know I like to claim being a man of mystery, but it is looking more more like I am officially a Boston Terrier Corgi mix. As my internet Doppelgänger is proof. FREAKY Friday......

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lion stalking his prey

When:  Dinnertime
Location: The African Serengeti

Doggy Thoughts: Ok so I am not exactly after something to eat, but sometime I do have to go on the prowl. Even if I have to forcefully move some humans.

Friday, March 11, 2011


When: After a hike
Location:  My official ride

Doggy Thoughts:  Warning!  Warning!  My humans have started down that slippery slope of thinking it is so 'cute' when they dress me up.  I'm not sure we will be able to turn back.  Please Lord, just don't let them buy a tutu.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Casting Shadows

When:  Afternoon walk, during the sunny winter
Location: The 'hood

Doggy Thoughts: My tail often solicits many remarks, almost always "Happy Tail", but check out how long and curvy my shadow of it is, cool!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Modest Mouse

When:  Resting on the Couch
Location: The perfect Rufus size pillow

Doggy Thoughts: We dogs are always in the buff, so to speak, and sometimes you just want to cover up. I found laying like this does the trick, crossing the paws just qualifies me for even more of a gentleman.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bed Fellows

When:  When you just are that comfortable with somebody
Location: Well in her bed of course

Doggy Thoughts: Sometime nothing beats curling up on a soft bed with another canine you just love.

Friday, February 25, 2011

What to do when your cold?

When:  Phoenix had an unusual cold and rainy spell
Location: Curled up near a warm blooded owner

Doggy Thoughts:  You humans might get cold hands and feet, but for a furry guy like myself, the only uncovered part is my nose.  Man, let me tell you that day it was cold! Alas, I consider myself a bit of problem solver and this fleece pocket did just the trick at warming me up without blocking my view of the room.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Touch your nose

When:  A blink of the eye
Location: Usual stomping grounds the living room

Doggy Thoughts: I can touch my nose with my tongue, can you? 
Go ahead, I'll wait while you give it a try..................................................
Didn't think so, nanny nanny foo foo.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Strangest Pillow

When:  Board Game Night
Location: well the Game table of course

Doggy Thoughts: The board games you peeps play involve so much strategy, I just can't help but crawl up on a lap and fall asleep.  Bony elbows are a non-issue when you are clearly so mentally exhausted.

Friday, February 11, 2011

You are my Sunshine

When:  Skies are grey
Location: Where ever a little light needs to shine
Doggy Thoughts:
You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dr. of Nap-alogy (Round Zzzzz)

When:  After an exhausting day at Doggy Daycare
Location: Not my house

Doggy Thoughts: Maybe you thought as a Doctor I would keep my study of Nap-alogy to something I did while I was at home.  WRONG, I can sleep anywhere, here is the picture proof of it.  Of course doggy-grandma was kind of asking for me to nap, by giving me this nice cushion and soft blanket.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Winner, Winner, Turkey Dinner

When: After Christmas
Location: Living Room

Doggy Thoughts:  I happen to be the gracious recipient of a Christmas Dinner of plushies, served on a Frisbee plate all courtesy of my doggie friend Copper.  Sure wished I had snapped a picture of the whole thing (it was adorable), but I couldn't help but dig in . Yum-O, the turkey was awesome with its rope tussling.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day Job

When:  9 to 5 Weekdays
Location: My Office

Doggy Thoughts: Business as usual, what you didn't know I had an office?  Where did you thing I crank out these blog post from?

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Savory Life

When:  Snack 'o Clock
Location: At the Grand master's house

Doggy Thoughts: I know what your thinking, but it is under 300 calories!  Plus I did some pretty serious ball chasing to earn such a wonderful treat,  you humans and your sweet tooth, give me a hard, meat-y, bully stick anyday.  I call it the savory life.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pop Art Rufus

When:  A Smiling Moment
Location:  Cyber Space

Doggy Thoughts:  Did you know I have gone digital?  So there happens to be a great picture of me, taken awhile back.  Problem was doggy Mama took it on her cell phone, so I doesn't print all that well.  This precious smile needed to hang on a wall somewhere, so in comes, the amazing artists at Super Studio of Australia.  He turned me into pop art, which made for a wonderful Christmas gift for a certain dotting doggy dad. AWWW it feels great to be memorialized like that.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

All Noses on the Prize

When:  Dinner Time
Location: In front the dish mat

Doggy Thoughts:  Something just smells so dang good tonight.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me

When:  January 9, 2011
Location: Outside in the precious sunlight

Doggy Thoughts: Today is my official second birthday, I been living with the parents for 1 full year!  They shared a peanut butter ball with me in honor of the special day.

  P.S.  I maybe up to 6 months older, being a man of mystery requires me withhold some info from my first life as a stray before I found the humane society.

Friday, January 7, 2011


When: At Dusk
Location: Looking out over Phoenix

Doggy Thoughts:  Pepper and I are enjoying a little hiking.  I'll let you know that I kick tail at hiking.